What does receiving the OMPA award has meant for your museum?

28 August 2023

Analía Solomonoff, Director, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes "Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez", Santa Fe, Argentina

Analía Solomonoff, Director, Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes "Rosa Galisteo de Rodríguez", Santa Fe, Argentina, talks to us about what it has meant for her museum to have been one of the winners of the Outstanding Museum Practices Award of CIMAM 2022.

"The Outstanding Museum Practices Award has given meaning to all the efforts and actions of professionals committed to the culture and art of Santa Fe and Argentina.

CIMAM gave us the opportunity to look at ourselves from a different perspective and to feel recognized in our work.

This award is for the entire team that works on a daily basis, and without them, it would not have been possible to carry out these actions.

Being recognized by this award has boosted the international projection that El Rosa needed, allowing us to expand our territory and bring the community of artists and Argentine culture to other corners of the world.

But above all, this award helps us to strengthen our discourse in front of others and recognizes that there is a transformation around the world, with social debates and service to the community focus from the museum".

Watch the webinar and listen to Analía Solomonoff's completed testimony here.

Submit your project for OMPA 2023!

Your project can also be selected and gain international visibility and recognition from the museum's professional community.

We invite you to submit a proposal for a museum practice that showcases sustainability, inclusivity, innovation, representation, and other noteworthy aspects. This practice can serve as an inspiration for all of us and contribute to collective learning.

Submit your nomination!