Dutch Art Institute offers priority enrollment for Ukrainian to study/research at DAI

Our first deadline (March 6, 2022) for Applications 2022 -2024 is a priority track, in tandem with the rapidly approaching deadlines for institutional scholarships aimed at supporting non-EU passport holding students.
Given the urgency of the current situation we create an EXTRA AND IMMEDIATE priority track for Ukrainian and ALL other non-EU passport holding art workers and art researchers who are forced to leave Ukraine and consider study/research at DAI and with that consider enrolling in Dutch education.
We vow to support eligible candidates in all possible ways, within our capacities.
Please contact us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE under the horrific conditions and write directly todutchartinstitute@artez.nl ~ we will take it from there.
In case you need to come to the Netherlands right away (without waiting for a placement in our or any other program), we advise you to read the most recent Ukraine specific information from the Dutch Immigration Service (IND) on our APPLY page (in linktree)