BMKÖS provides funding and creates contact point for Ukrainian artists

State Secretary Mayer: BMKÖS provides funding and creates contact point for Ukrainian artists
300,000 euros special funding budget: "Office Ukraine – Shelter for Ukrainian Artists" is set up in cooperation with civil society in the Museumsquartier.
The Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sport, together with actors from civil society and the art and cultural scene, is carrying out an act of solidarity with artists from Ukraine.
With immediate effect, the Department of Culture is providing special funding of 300,000 euros for work grants and project funding for Ukrainian artists.
In addition, a coordination office – the Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists – set up for Ukrainian artists. It serves as a platform for the coordination of diverse civil societies and institutional initiatives and acts as a liaison between the institutions in Austria and cultural workers from Ukraine.
State Secretary for Arts and Culture Andrea Mayer. "The Ukrainian population is currently experiencing a military aggression that has not been seen in Europe for a long time – a massive breach of international law against a sovereign state.
We have more in common with Ukrainians than a spatial proximity. We share fundamental democratic values, from personal freedom and freedom of expression to freedom of art. It is therefore a conflict between an authoritarian regime and a democratic society. The victims in these difficult days are the people of Ukraine, but at the same time we must not forget that the attack also applies to us.
The free exercise of art and culture is not only an indicator and source of inspiration, but also the essence of democratic societies. Therefore, in this phase, we support, among other things, fleeing artists who are particularly vulnerable in times of war, and thus enable them to live and work in austria in safety. It is our responsibility to bring solidarity with Ukraine to life at all levels."
Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists
The Office Ukraine. Shelter for Ukrainian Artists will have its central point of contact in the Museumsquartier in Vienna (Verein, with liaison offices in the federal states, in particular in Graz (< rotor >) and Innsbruck (Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen).
From Friday, 4.3.2022, the Office will be available to people seeking help from the cultural environment of Ukraine both online and on site as a placement or coordination point. Cultural professionals from Ukraine and institutions, people and initiatives from Austria who want to support them in crisis situations are connected to each other on this platform.
The Office Ukraine. On the one hand, Shelter for Ukrainian Artists addresses and mediates all Austrian persons and institutions who want to provide work, accommodation and project opportunities for Ukrainian cultural workers. On the other hand, the Austrian art and cultural landscape is invited to increasingly involve Ukrainian artists and cultural professionals in the allocation of exhibition participations, work, text, concert commissions, invitations to invited competitions, etc. All persons, initiatives and institutions who want to express their solidarity with Ukrainian artists and the artistic field in this war situation are invited to get involved in this platform. The BMKÖS will provide significant financial and organisational support for the initiative.
Applications for the work grants and project funding are submitted directly to the BMKÖS by the participating institutions that host or supervise Ukrainian artists. The processing is carried out by the specialist departments of the BMKÖS.
In addition, a separate contact point will be set up in the BMKÖS in order to be able to process inquiries in a targeted manner.