Es Baluard offers accommodation and artworks storage in Mallorca for artists and cultural workers

To request accommodation and support in storaging artworks and archives, please contact Magda Albis at
Es Baluard Museu condemns the invasion of Ukraine by the military forces of the Russian regime
Es Baluard Museu, which has the support of the Conselleria of European Funds, University and Culture of the Government of the Balearic Islands condemns the invasion of Ukraine by the military forces of the Russian regime and expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Furthermore, as a cultural institution in favour of thought, education, heritage protection and peace, offers its collaboration and support to the artistic and cultural community of Ukraine.
This week, the invading forces attacked the Ivankiv Historical and Local History Museum in Kiev, resulting in the extermination of works of art and artistic legacies. Numerous museums, collections, monuments and buildings are in a state of emergency, under the threat of being destroyed, and this is not only a very serious loss of heritage, it is a loss of memory, a mutilation of history.
Es Baluard wants to actively show its solidarity towards the Ukrainian artistic community and cultural workers.
In this way, we adhere to the initiatives in support of the country's cultural sector as well as in the conservation and protection of its cultural heritage, offering accommodation to two artists or professionals from the artistic sector and reception of material: archives or works.
Moreover, the Museum joins the demand of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) calling on both countries to comply with their international legal obligations to protect heritage as set out in the First Protocol of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the event of armed conflict.