About CIMAM Members
Who are our Members?
Our organization is based on a membership program with over 700 contemporary art museum professionals.
Institutional Members
Museum joining as Institutional Members agree with ICOM's Museum Definition, ICOM Code of Ethics, CIMAM Ethical Clauses of Governance, CIMAM’s Principles of Deaccession, and CIMAM’s Code of Ethics.
Individual Members
This section presents the description of our members' professional profiles, a compilation of Who's Who in CIMAM interviews and the latest Welcome to CIMAM from our members. Come in and meet our #CIMAMmembers!
CIMAM Patrons
Meet the names of individuals and institutions that believe in CIMAM and generously support CIMAM's mission year after year.
Honorary Members
All Honorary Members throughout the history of CIMAM since 1962. Honorary Members are those CIMAM Members who are considered to have performed outstanding services on behalf of CIMAM on the recommendation of the board. They are appointed for life. Individuals are awarded the title of Honorary Members by the General Assembly. They shall be full voting members.
Former Board Members
Every 3 years CIMAM Members vote for their representatives at the General Assembly. The current board is constituted by 15 members, but throughout CIMAM's history this number has varied.