Hilke Wagner

Hilke Wagner, Direktor Albertinum, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Since 11/2014 Director of the Albertinum, Museum of Art from Romanticism to the Present, State Art Collections Dresden
Exhibitions: Rosa Barba, Taryn Simon, Nevin Aladag, Tino Sehgal; Slavs & Tatars; Kandinsky, Lissitzky, Mondrian and the abstract constructive avant-garde in Dresden 1919 to 1932; Demonstrationsräume. Artistic exploration of space and display in the Albertinum, Celine Condorelli, Kapwani Kiwanga, Judy Radul, Heimo Zobernig; The Medea Insurrection. Radical woman artists behind the Iron Curtain; A.R. Penck. Ich aber komme aus Dresden. (check it out man, check it out) Ernst Barlach. A retrospective; 1 Million Roses for Angela Davis i.a.
2007-2014 Director of the KUNSTVEREIN BRAUNSCHWEIG e.V.
Curated exhibitions: Javier Téllez, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Rosa Barba, Maria Loboda, Marcel Dzama, Eva Kotátkova, Peter Piller, Pamela Rosenkranz, Natalie Czech, Simon Fujiwara, David Zink Yi, Matti Braun, Susanne Kriemann, Sofia Hultén, Dirk Bell, Cheyney Thompson, Marine Hugonnier and others
2006 - 2007 Head of SITUATION KUNST (for Max Imdahl), part of the art collections of the Ruhr Universität Bochum
2003–2006 curator of the KESTNERGESELLSCHAFT, Hanover
Curated exhibitions: Thomas Hirschhorn, Sarah Morris, Santiago Sierra, Chris Ofili, Peter Doig and others.